Evans-Freehafer Award

Award for Service to the LASFS

The Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society began to honor its own in 1959 with the creation of the Evans-Freehafer Award, named after two of the club’s most influential and popular members, E. Everett Evans and Paul Freehafer.   E. Everett Evans – “Triple-E” or “Tripoli” – was one of the first LASFSians to become a successful professional author during his active membership in the club, with over a dozen short stories and novels published during the 1950s before his death in 1958.   Paul Freehafer was only 27 when he died of a rheumatic heart in 1944, but it was his cheerful enthusiasm for carrying club projects to completion that made the LASFS one of the leading SF clubs of the late 1930s and early 1940s.

The Evans-Freehafer Award is presented at each LOSCON to that year’s recipient.   The award is presented for service to the LASFS, recognizing hard work and dedication to the club.   The award is decided by a special committee made up of the three previous years’ recipients, and the winner is a closely-guarded secret until the announcement.

Only four people – Bruce Pelz, Bob Null, Mike Donahue, and Elayne Pelz – have received this award more than once.   In 1972, rather than present the award to a currently active member, the decision was made to give the award to Forrest J Ackerman, retroactively all the way back to 1942, for his years of service to the club.   In 2005, a special one-time version of this award (the Evans-Freehafer-Mason Award) was given posthumously to Michael Mason.

This award is not the same as the Big Heart Award, administered for forty years by Forry Ackerman in memory of E. Everett Evans.

For more information on the Evans-Freehafer Award, see this article in Fancyclopedia.

For the Alphabetical list of winners, click here.

Recipients By Year

1959Al Lewis
1960Rick Sneary
1961John Trimble
1962Virginia Mill
1963Leland Sapiro
1964Paul Turner
1965Fred Patten
1966Bruce Pelz
1967(no award)
1968Charles Crayne
1969Bruce Pelz
1970Don Fitch
1971Milt Stevens
1972Forrest J. Ackerman
1973Bill Warren
1974Lee Gold
1975Tom Digby
1976Craig Miller
1977Jerry Pournelle
1978Jim Glass
1979Louis E.W. Gray
1980Elayne F. Pelz
1981Merlin (Bob) R. Null
1982Fuzzy Pink Niven
1983Marjii Ellers
1984Gavin Claypool
1985Susan Haseltine
1986Galen Tripp
1987Mike Frank
1988Charles Lee Jackson, II
1989Robbie Cantor
1990Gary Louie
1991George Mulligan
1992Merlin (Bob) R. Null
1993Michael Donahue
1994Len & June Moffatt
1995Ed Green
1996Leigh Strother-Vien
1997Tim Merrigan
1998Liz Mortensen
1999Greg Bilan
2000Michael Thorsen
2001Tadao Tomomatsu
2002Michael Donahue
2003Merlin (Bob) R. Null
2004Christian B. McGuire
2005William Ellern
2005Michael Mason (special award)
2006Elayne F. Pelz
2007Tony Benoun
2008Arlene Satin
2009Rob (“Gizmo”) Powell
2010Karl Lembke
2011Michelle Pincus
2012Warren “Whiskey” Johnson
2013David T. Okamura
2014Elayne F. Pelz
2015Gavin Claypool
2016Marty Cantor
2017Barry Gold
2018Rob Powell
2019Nick Smith
2020Susan Fox
2021Joyce Sperling
2022Eylat Poliner
2023Cathy Johnson

Last Updated July 6th, 2024


Alphabetical List

Name Year
Ackerman, Forrest J1972
Benoun, Tony2007
Bilan, Greg1999
Cantor, Marty2016
Cantor, Robbie1989
Claypool, Gavin1984, 2015
Crayne, Charles1968
Digby, Tom1975
Donahue, Michael1993, 2002
Ellern, William2005
Ellers, Marjii1983
Fitch, Don1970
Fox, Susan2020
Frank, Mike1987
Glass, Jim1978
Gold, Barry2017
Gold, Lee1974
Gray, Louis E. W.1979
Green, Ed1995
Haseltine, Susan1985
Jackson, Charles Lee II1988
Johnson, Warren “Whiskey”2012
Lembke, Karl2010
Lewis, Al1959
Louie, Gary1990
McGuire, Christian B.2004
Mason, Michael (special)2005
Merrigan, Tim1997
Mill, Virginia1962
Miller, Craig1976
Moffatt, June1994
Moffatt, Len1994
Mortensen, Liz1998
Mulligan, George1991
Niven, Fuzzy Pink (Marilyn)1982
Null, Merlin R.1981, 1992, 2003
Okamura, David2013
Patten, Fred1965
Pelz, Bruce1966, 1969
Pelz, Elayne F.1980, 2006, 2014
Pincus, Michelle2011
Pournelle, Jerry1977
Powell, Rob (“Gizmo”)2009, 2018
Sapiro, Leland1963
Satin, Arlene2008
Smith, Nick2019
Sneary, Rick1960
Stevens, Milt1971
Strother-Vien, Leigh1996
Thorsen, Michael2000
Tomomatsu, Tadao2001
Trimble, John1961
Tripp, Galen1986
Turner, Paul1964
Warren, Bill1973