Join Us

Not sure about us? Want to stalk a meeting or two and see what we’re about? Come to our Thursday night Zoom meetings and get a feel for what herding with fellow bookish sci-fi nerds is like.
Why isn’t the password to the Zoom meeting here?
To keep out the trolls, of course. We’ve had, erm, a few, try to spoil things for everyone else and the new regime decided enough is enough and threw them out.
So as long as you aren’t a troll, creeper or are MASSIVELY socially unacceptable WEIRD, email the Webmistress or use our onboard form to Contact Us and request the password. (If you don’t have access to a local email program on your device, click here to send us a message via our contact form.
C’mon….we’re friendly. (We won’t bite…unless you’re into that, of course XD )
Once you’ve decided we’re the group you’ve been looking for, you can join us (if you dare) at our live meetings once a month at Denny’s 5525 N. Sepulveda Blvd. Sherman Oaks, CA 91411.
Dues are $5.00/week, $15.00/month/$170.00 annually (calendar year) whether you join us on Zoom or in person.
Pay via Paypal or Zelle (Zelle preferred).
Just know that when you do…

(as found in Dr. Gafia’s Fan Terms)
Francis T. Laney said this of LASFS when he discovered the club’s exaggerated claims to 500+ members by the early 1940s was largely due to the fact that no one who’d ever paid dues as a LASFS member had ever been removed from the membership roster, even long after they failed to attend or pay dues.
Like many a Laney or Burbee catchphrase, “Death Will Not Release You” caught on with later generations of LASFS members, and on one notable reported occasion Ernie Wheatley, the dormouse of LASFS (so-called for a tendency to put his head down on his arms and fall asleep at after-meetings in local restaurants) woke up just as someone was using the phrase to add, “Even if you die!” – and then promptly put his head back down on his arms and went to sleep again.
Note: Francis Tower Laney was a 1940s and 1950s FAN. See Harry Warner Jr.’s description of him.