Ways to donate to LASFS for FREE!

Search and donate to LASFS
GoodSearch is powered by Yahoo’s search engine. But unlike standard Yahoo search, when you search for something using Good Search, the charity of your choice receives a donation.
Go to http://www.goodsearch.com and type “Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society” in the charity box and then begin your search as usual. Every search you do through GoodSearch, they’ll credit a penny to the LASFS account. At the end of their fiscal year (September 30th), if there’s a credit of $20 or more, they’ll send us a check. The more you use GoodSearch, the more LASFS will make.

Search and donate to LASFS
GoodSearch is powered by Yahoo’s search engine. But unlike standard Yahoo search, when you search for something using Good Search, the charity of your choice receives a donation.
Go to http://www.goodsearch.com and type “Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society” in the charity box and then begin your search as usual. Every search you do through GoodSearch, they’ll credit a penny to the LASFS account. At the end of their fiscal year (September 30th), if there’s a credit of $20 or more, they’ll send us a check. The more you use GoodSearch, the more LASFS will make.

Shop and donate to LASFS
We’re also on GoodShop! This allows you to shop at a wide variety of online stores, over seven hundred of them, including Best Buy, The Gap, Old Navy, Nordstrom’s, Toys R Us, Oriental Trading Company, Pet Smart, and Expedia.
Go to http://www.goodsearch.com and type “Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society” into the charity box, and the retailer you choose will contribute a percentage of your purchase to the club. This will be added to our GoodSearch account.