Loscon website updates for the week of 9/11/22

Hey all, the Loscon 48 website Admin, Webmistress & General Nuisance here with an update and a shameless plug for Loscon.
It’s coming up FAST, my fellow sci-fi peeps, and y’all better get a shift on (to quote the 13th Doctor) to get in on our return to semi-normalacy amidst the new normal of this plague-y world we now live in.
The Loscon website has had a small flurry of updates and code fixes this week including;
- Footer navigation link fixes.
- A full page of Blood Drive info, including the new chosen theme for this year and an image gallery of many of our escapades in the past 32 years of Dennis and I bringing you this bloody insanity.
- The addition of a link to the new schedule page.
- A floorplan map to the convention/hotel.

Reserve Your "Wheels" NOW
If you attend Loscon did you know you can get a great deal on a scooter rental? If you have trouble getting around and need a little mobility help (like me), get your reservation in NOW and get your bright, shiny set of wheels for the duration of your stay at the convention (TIE Silencer costume not included.)
Stalk Us, Please!
And though panel submissions are now closed, that means the exciting work of actually organizing the panel schedule has begun, so stay tuned to the schedule page for updates!
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